Dilution with Carrier Oils or Perfumer's Alcohol

Measurements/conversions (by volume)

  • 30 mL = 1 fl oz = 600 drops = 2 tablespoons
  • 15 mL = ½ fl oz = 300 drops = 1 tablespoon
  • 5 mL = ⅙ fl oz = 100 drops = 1 teaspoon
  • 1 mL = 1/30 fl oz = 20 drops = ⅕ teaspoon

To Achieve a Specific Dilution

For one fluid (1 oz) ounce of Carrier Oil or Perfumer's Alcohol:

  • 1% of 600 drops (1 fl oz) = 6 drops
  • 2% of 600 drops (1 fl oz) = 12 drops
  • 2.5% of 600 drops (1 fl oz) = 15 drops
  • 5% of 600 drops (1 fl oz) = 30 drops
  • 10% of 600 drops (1 fl oz) = 60 drops